The Muse and the Fairy Tale by Mary Smith
Release Date: February 2, 2016
Genres: New Adult, Romance
Source: E-Book, ARC
My Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars
Goodreads Description:
Meadow Hylton has held
onto the dream of Prince Charming sweeping into her life and falling
madly in love with her. Until it happens, she fulfills her fantasy by
writing sports romance books. However, that love has been hit with a
bout of writer's block. A new muse on social media helps diminish that
block quickly.Kyson Wick is a newly traded player to the New Hampshire Bears, and he’s thankful for the change. His goal is to be the best hockey player and forget the ex-girlfriend who broke his heart. He’s also hoping a new venture with an author looking for a new cover model is the distraction he needs.
Soon, the chemistry between Kyson and Meadow begins to grow. But when their dreams collide, will the muse be able to fulfill the fairytale?
Notes about the book:
This is the first of Mary Smith's that I've read and I will definitely be reading more of her books. I've read several of her co-authored books with Lindsay Paige. I did receive an ARC in exchange for my honest review.
This books is not meant for anyone under 18 as it does contain mild sex scenes.
Book Quote:
“Meadow, I’m not leaving you. I can’t promise you I’ll turn into Edward Cullen and live forever, but I’m down for tearing this headboard up right now.”
My Review
The only thing keeping me from reading this book in one day was the fact that I had to work the next day. The writing flowed so well and was entertaining enough that if I had nothing else to do, I could have read it in one sitting.I enjoyed seeing some of the behind the scenes moments of being an author. The female main character, Meadow, is honest about the pitfalls of being a full-time author. "The downside of being an at-home writer: I never left home." Although some days in my hectic life this would seem like a dream come true. Then we also get to hear about how she finds her book ideas. "I did go to the gym, but it was mainly to check out hot guys and see what might fit into my current storyline." I'm sure all women (and men??) would admit to doing this at some point or other.
I've always liked when the reader was given a view into the chats that two romantic characters hold before the romance begins. This book employs the use of Facebook chat and again I enjoyed the chatter back and forth. I liked that Meadow and Kyson teased each other good naturedly from the start of their Facebook chats.
I chuckled, wanting to rile her up a bit and see what she was really like.
"Will I be showing my dick on the cover?"
"Good Lord, no! It’s not porn. It’s a book cover."
"According to some reviews, you write some steamy scenes."
"This is true, but that isn’t on the cover. Well, not a lot of it anyway."
Meadow and Kyson's relationship is started as a business endeavor and continues when that is over. Things start out sweet and quickly escalate to HOT. But of course there always has to be someone or thing that throws a wrench into the relationship. For this book, it's someone that is easily hate-able. It's kind of like one of those stupid horror movies where you wish you could just reach into the TV/movie screen and stop the characters from doing some stupid thing that puts them right in harms way. In this book, you know exactly what things need to be avoided and of course they aren't. But how could there not be a happy ending with this kind of title?
There are other side characters that I loved and I hope maybe they'll one day get their own book. Meodow's book editor Harlow would be my first choice. I absolutely loved her! We all need a friend like her in our lives.
I definitely recommend this book to anyone needing a good romance with a Happily Ever After!
This sounds really good, Carey. I like the sound of the banter between Meadow and Kyson (I like their names, too). I thought maybe I'd read something from MSmith before so I went to check out her backlist. I haven't read any though, although I will be one-clicking a few of hers, since they're freebies. ;) Thanks for sharing a great review!
ReplyDeleteThere's a nice scene where Kyson helps Meadow make a certain scene in her book better - wink, wink. I really enjoyed the view into an author's life. I hope you check it out! It's nice to know that my reviews help other readers (and authors possibly).