Today's Bout of Books Challenge is a Rainbow Challenge and is being hosted by Ranty Run of a Reader. Rebecca has given us the choice of creating either a cover challenge or doing an author challenge. We can either create a rainbow using book covers (either physical or virtual) or create a "rainbow" by finding an author whose last name starts with the same letter of one of the colors of the rainbow. I've decided I want to do both except I'm too lazy to go find the books and take a picture of them. It was a long day at work and I'm tired. So I will create a virtual rainbow.

R - Reichs, Kathy
O - Owens, C.M.
Y - Young, Lani Wendt
G - Gabaldon, Diana
B - Brown, Tara
I - Isbell, Megan Nugen
V - Voight, Ginger
So it turns out I've read (according to my Goodreads) each of the above authors but Voight.
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